Mike Botting is a Conservative councillor for Chelsfield Ward
Contact Mike on 07976 280511
For the year 2023-2024 I was honoured to serve to be the Mayor of Bromley a role that I thoroughly enjoyed and found most rewarding and am presently Chairman of Orpington Conservative Association.
I have lived in Green Street Green, Chelsfield Ward for 35 years and Bromley Borough for 45 years. Using local facilities such as the railway, hospitals, schools, roads and buses I am aware of the pressures that you encounter and the frustrations that can sometimes occur. However we do live in a great ward and things are far from bad, we have a vast area of open green space that I am keen to preserve and indeed have been keen to use myself. This is important to the community and environment.
I am married to Kim and have four children who were all educated in local schools; their opinions giving me an insight into the needs of our younger voters.
I have always had an interest in what happens locally and, having served for 41 years in the police retiring as an inspector in 2016, I now have the opportunity to get involved. I am a member of the Green Street Green Village Society and Safer Neighbourhood Panel.
I am a Council member of the Care and Health as well as the Environment and Community PDS (Policy, Development and Scrutiny) committees.
I am the Chairman of the Health and Well Being Board as well as the Rights of Way Committee.
I am I am the Borough Armed Forces Champion, appointed to the Reserve Forces and cadets Association for Greater London as well as the Borough members Loneliness Champion.
I am President of the Orpington Sea Cadets and a school governor at a local school.
I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity as your ward councillor to be able to support and assist my residents.